How many times have you been traveling somewhere, really anywhere in the entire world
and wondered where you could find some great local shops, antiques shows,
events, flea markets and so on? maybe just across town, but you know???
WHERE in the world ARE all of those super cool places?!!!
Not the kind you find in tourist brochures...the ones the locals go to.
If you've ever been in this position, you may have found
it's harder than you think to figure it all out!
This is why I was SO excited and thankful
to see a fantastic new website called
If you love Pinterest, you'll find this site SUPER easy to use, FUN,
and a fantastic tool for finding and sharing what would otherwise
be a mystery to so many hopeful people.
From the website:
"My Favorite Find lets you seek, find, and share great local Shoppes and Events such as antiques shows, vintage fairs, flea markets, car boot sales, yard sales, auctions, estate sales, crafts shows and more - anywhere in the world.
Once you find what you love, you can share it all here, like a virtual show-and-tell. The world is full of beautiful Shoppes and Events. Our goal is to help you find them, and then celebrate what you found."
Following here I am sharing the founder's story from the website.
Can you believe I get to attend my first one this year?!!!
Yeah, I know...I'm a newbie. ;-)
I'm even an authentic born and raised Washingtonian! Lol's a little background from Serena on My Favorite Find:
I started The Farm Chicks Show in 2002 as a stay-at-home mom with no experience and nothing more than a big dream. Years later, the show is known the world over, and I'm now a contributing editor for Country Living Magazine - one of the biggest shelter magazines in the world. All because of that first little sale in my friend's barn.
Over the years, because of the success of the show and exposure from the magazine, I've received a lot of mail, much from people wanting to start their own show, create their own event, promote their shoppe, or from shoppers wanting to know where they could go to find the things they were seeking.
I was surprised to find there was no ONE great source for this, so I decided it was time to create one myself, to connect everyone together. And that's just what I did. I consider it a new global frontier: My Favorite Find.
But I didn't want to stop there, because there's nothing better than the feeling of a great find, and being able to share your excitement with other enthusiasts. Sort of like a virtual show and tell.
Here, you can search for or promote great events, sales, shows, and shoppes anywhere in the world, or simply share your favorite finds.
My Favorite Find is intended for anyone who wants to share their finds, and to celebrate and promote locally owned and operated shoppes, shows, sales and events - NOT big box stores or chains.
After achieving my homegrown success and giant network of enthusiasts, my goal is to make it available to all.
Seek it - Find it - Share it! on My Favorite Find. It's about time!
~ Serena
Sounds AWESOME, right?!!!
Hop on over now to check it out and sign up
to find great things or even add your shop!
Have a great day!
I'd love to have you follow along!